The Need for Sustainable Agriculture in Farming


Sustainable Agriculture has been overlooked in the previous years with farming being the only source of food supply and livelihood in our society.


What you will learn in this article

  • What sustainable agriculture is

  • How to sustain our farming system

  • Overview of Sustainable Agriculture

  • What is a sustainable farm


This article discusses Agriculture and the need why Agriculture in today’s farming has to be sustainable


History of Sustainable Agriculture and the need for it.


Although it began in the 1940s, the green revolution was an era of extraordinary innovation in agriculture that happened primarily in the 1960s and 1970s.

During this time, massive quantities of research and development were carried out, resulting in tremendous increases in agricultural output, the fruits of which we continue to reap today.

Sustainable agriculture

The Need for Sustainable Agriculture

Improvements and modernization of farm management were among the initiatives, which included the development of higher-yielding crop varieties, the introduction of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

These improvements allowed for more food security in the industrialized world than had previously been achievable.


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Huge yields were obtained from very small areas of land, making food available to the majority of people in the developed world.

With the advancement of modern farming practices, the need for sustainable agriculture expanded from economic and food security to environmental and social security.

While agricultural research and development spending has decreased significantly since the green revolution, the sector’s knowledge has grown significantly, and agricultural enterprises have modified their operations to ensure agriculture’s long-term viability.


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What are the benefits of sustainable agriculture?

  1. Preserving the earth’s natural resources
  2.  Help maintain the environmental soil quality
  3. Reducing erosion
  4. Preserving water.

Sustainable agriculture program

Sustainable agriculture is becoming a problem for all agricultural industries, including cereals, horticulture, fisheries, sugar, and meat.

Agriculture land is not as plentiful as it was before the green revolution, so sustainable agriculture techniques must be at the forefront of everything the food industry does to secure the industry’s long-term viability, and, more crucially, the global food supply.

Farmers’ research and development businesses in Australia invest in research and development in order to improve sustainable farming techniques.


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This is frequently co-funded by the federal government.

Agriculture schools, both primary and secondary, as well as sustainable agriculture courses, exist to prepare people for professions in agriculture.

Agricultural employment covers a wide range of disciplines, including research, engineering, exporting, international relations, and e-commerce, as well as many more.

In countries like Australia, sustainable agriculture is more than a buzzword; it is a necessity.

Agricultural farming

With limited arable land, water, and growing climate variability and extreme weather events, adopting sustainable agriculture methods is critical to the industry’s and the world’s food supply’s future success.

The advancements of the green revolution may not be enough to ensure that people continue to have food security without increased investment in research and development.

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What is a Sustainable farm?

A sustainable farm must be able to generate food without depleting the natural resources needed to cultivate further crops in the future.


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Farmers have become aware that they are responsible for much more than their crops and animals as farming practices have progressed and understanding of sustainable farming practices has grown.

Farmers used to graze their animals, but now they think of themselves as managing three living ecosystems: their animals, the grass and groundcover that animals require to thrive, and the soils, which is the most crucial part to maintain.

Sustainable farming is impossible without proper soil health.

Grass and crops will not grow as well if soil health is diminished.

If soil health is not prioritized in sustainable farming, environmental damage on the farm and in the surrounding areas is a possibility.

Without adequate soil health, the structure of the soil can be weakened, resulting in dust storms and top soil runoff into streams during heavy rains.

Agriculture irrigation

Rice and cotton are two agricultural crops that rely substantially on irrigation.

Irrigation is also used in other industries such as soy, horticulture, grains, and cattle grazing.

Although irrigation may be traced back to early Egyptian times, it became popular during the green revolution as a technique to produce food in locations where there was no natural or enough rain flow to support crops.



  • What are the 5 main components of sustainable agriculture?


The five (5) key components of both sustainable and conventional farming.

  1. Soil management
  2. Crop management
  3. Water management
  4. Disease/pest management
  5. Waste management

NB: The methods employed are frequently vastly different.


  • What are the main goals of sustainable agriculture?

    The basic goals of sustainable agriculture are environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity (sometimes referred to as the “three legs” of the sustainability stool).
  1. Organic farming
  2. Crop rotation
  3. Agro-forestry
  4. Cover crop
  5. Biodynamic agriculture
  6. Natural farming
  7. Protection Crop diversity
  • Branches of agriculture

Summary- The need for sustainable Agriculture


In agriculture, sustainable agriculture balances environmental, social, and economic considerations. Agricultural sustainability is based on the idea that we must meet current needs without jeopardizing future generations’ ability to meet their own.


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