Easy Tips on How to Make Sugar Syrup at home
Making a simple sugar syrup is just as easy as it sounds: add sugar and water, heat, and stir until dissolves.
There are many suggestions for preventing sugar crystals, prolonging shelf life, or including other flavors for cooks who like to try.
In either case, you’ll have a fantastic sweetener for coffee, cocktails, or candied fruit.
This article discusses the various easy steps on how to make a sugar syrup conveniently.
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To make sugar syrup at your home, you will need the following below;
1 part water
1–2 parts sugar
Extra water (to sterilize container)
Spoonful vodka (optional — to increase storage period)
What You Will Need
- Two frying pans
- Wooden spoon or spatula to stir things in the oven.
- Oven
- Bowl
- Water
Method 1
Simple sugar Syrup – How to make simple sugars
- Select your sugar.
Simple syrup is typically made with white, granulated sugar, but there are other possibilities.
Crystallization is less likely with superfine sugar.
Brown, molasses-flavored syrup made from raw brown sugar, like turbinado or demerara, is ideal for rum or bourbon drinks.
- Avoid using confectioners’ sugar (powdered sugar). Cornstarch, which is typically present in this, does not dissolve in water. It will be grainy or cloudy syrup.
  2. Measure water and sugar.
In a saucepan, combine the water and sugar after measuring them.
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To make a basic syrup, combine both ingredients in an equal amount. If you don’t want to take any chances, this is a perfect choice because it will allow you a small sampling error for the dish.
Use up to twice as much sugar as water to make a syrup that is more concentrated.
- A more concentrated syrup will keep longer in the fridge but is more likely to crystallize back into solids. Because a concentrated syrup may sweeten a cocktail without adding a lot of water, some bartenders prefer it.
- Use a kitchen scale to weigh the ingredients for more precise measurements. There won’t be any serious problems if you utilize volume measurements (cups or milliliters), but you’ll finish up with about â…ž the amount of sugar.

Under the sugar-water combination, turn on the heat.
Until all of the sugar crystals have dissolved, stir with a wooden spoon or spatula. Even while it normally dissolves quickly, a large amount could take longer.
Keep the mixture from boiling. It’s possible that the sugar won’t dissolve if you end up losing too much water.
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- Stir the final drops of water carefully for syrups that are extremely concentrated (at least a 2:1 ratio of sugar to water).
- After the full quantity of sugar has dissolved, excessive churning might lead to the formation of new crystals.
A sizable amount of solid crystals can be produced by a single sugar grain that is left in the liquid.
If there is any remaining sugar on the pot’s side, use a damp pastry brush to wipe it down to the sugar syrup.
Another option is to just cover the pot for a short period of time; the condensed water will then drip down the sides and clean them.
- It’s okay if the syrup heats up for a little period of time while the lid is on because the lid traps the majority of the water vapor. To be safe, stick with a brief simmer.
5. Syrup should be allowed to cool.
Once it reaches room temperature, it will be prepared for storage.
If the sugar crystallizes after cooling, either not enough sugar dissolved, or too much water was boiled away.
Reheat it after adding a little water.
6. Make the container sterile.
Boil some water in a small, separate pot. Pour immediately into a fresh bottle or jar when it has boiled.
Additionally, pour boiling water over the container’s cover. By sterilizing the container, you can extend the shelf life of your syrup and lower the likelihood that it will recrystallize.
If not using right away, store in a clear container so you can keep an eye out for mold spores.
Close the lid securely and keep in the fridge.
- A 1:1 syrup lasts for almost a month.
- The shelf life of a 2:1 syrup is roughly six months.
- Add a teaspoon of high-proof vodka to your syrup to extend its shelf life.
Method 2
1. Don’t heat up the syrup.
If you shake water that is at room temperature vigorously enough, sugar will dissolve in it.
This method only lasts approximately two weeks because the syrup isn’t heated to disinfect it.
Bartenders have lined up on opposing sides of the hot-cold argument based only on taste. Try it out and make your own judgment.
- In a closed container, combine sugar and water in equal parts. (Shaking time may be shortened by using resin coated sugar.)
- After three minutes of shaking, take a one-minute break.
- Shake for a further 30 seconds, or until the sugar has completely dissolved.
 2. Add flavor by infusing. To extract flavors, simmer the syrup with the herbs or spices for 30 to 45 minutes.
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- For elegant cocktails, try basil syrup or pastries with cinnamon and nutmeg syrup during the winter holidays.
- Remove any herbs you are using as soon as they start to turn brown. Upon completion of the syrup, remove the leaves.
- The shelf life could be shortened by the addition of other ingredients. To avoid mold, stir a tablespoon of vodka into the cooled syrup.
Gum arabic gives the syrup a smooth feel and reduces the likelihood of crystallization.Due to the attractive texture it gives to cocktails, this traditional recipe is making a slight comeback.
- Bring the water close to boiling.
- Add a weight-equal amount of gum arabic slowly. Stir until mostly mixed and gluey.
- Off the heat, let settle for two to three hours. Re-stir to break up any lumps.
- Start preparing sugar syrup as described above. Double the amount of water you used for the gum arabic.
- Reduce to a simmer when the sugar has dissolved. Slowly add the gum arabic mixture while stirring.
- After allowing to cool, remove and discard the scum from the syrup’s surface.
4. Make the syrup caramelized.
Bittersweet chocolate cake or whiskey cocktails would benefit from its rich caramel flavor.
As hot sugar can result in serious burns, wear gloves and keep your distance from the pan. Try it out like this:
- In a stainless steel saucepan, heat the sugar (alone), stirring once every 30 seconds.
- As soon as the sugar has melted, add the water to make caramel syrup. Standing back when pouring will prevent spattering and steaming. When syrup formed, stir quickly and continuously.
- Syrup for burnt caramel: There will probably be smoke, so open the windows or turn on the stove ventilation. Wait until thick bubbles of sugar appear, then the sugar turns dark (after another 15 seconds or more). Add water, then carefully whisk. The solid sugar may take some time to dissolve.
- Warm the syrup to dissolve the sugar once more if your syrup crystallizes while being stored.
- Stir in a tiny amount of glucose or corn syrup as an additional preventative measure against crystallization. Unless you have a syrup that is really concentrated, this shouldn’t be necessary.
- You’ll end up with around ¾ as much syrup by volume as the sugar and water you started with.
- If hot syrup comes in touch with skin, it will burn and harden. Be careful not to be splashed.
- The mixture should not be left alone as it could burn.